Chaos Raptors Continued

Continuing the work on my Raptors/ Possessed Marines, I'm now going to post break down of each raptor/marine seperatly.
First up, is the last of the line Raptor/Marine number 5. Each of the raptors I made were characterised by the Dark Pegesus Wings that have formed out of the characteristic respirator packs of the marines. For this particular marine, I wanted to present the image that he was dodging enemy fire and then quickly changing direction to charge at the offending attacker. Given the size of

In the end, I settled on having the wings primarially swept forward to carry the emphasis that the marine was flying backwards. I then swept the right wing in toward the model to give the idea that he was changing direction while flying backwards.
From this point it was a simple means to build the rest of the model. Using a pair of jumping legs from the Assault Marines sprue, I created the proper slying look. By using the aiming bolt pistol arm from the chaos space marine spure, coupled with an out turned chainsword arm, I was able to forge an assaulting marine stance. Finally, I added a head and placed it so that it was aiming along the for arm.
Raptor 5: Finished.
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