Nearly two years ago I read the book "Storm of Iron". Unlike most 40K books, it takes place from the perspective of the Chaos marines, specifically the Iron Warriors. Well, one of the characters in the book is a captured Imperial Guard member named Larana. She becomes the personal servent of the Champion of a group of Berzerkers. By the end of the book though, she discovers that his armor is in fact daemonic armor, and has called to her. It preys on her yearning for vengence and she dons the armor becoming the new champion. Well, the book inspired me to create several figures for an army I'm now realizing I will never get to. So I'm selling the peices I have built. So, I will be posting images of the Iron Warrior Berzerker squad over then next couple of days. First up, is none other then Laranna her self:

Yes, there is actually a head in there. Figuring that normal human are considerably smaller them a space marine, I used a Escher Juvee head.