Wednesday, August 22, 2007

City of Heroes Invasion continues!

I have now completed issue 2 of City of Heroes: Invasion. I took much of the critique I received for issue 1 and made efforts to address them for issue 2. In terms of final products, I have to say that issue 2 is leaps and bounds ahead of where issue 1 was.
Sue to technical issues, I have been unable to upload the comic to like issue 1. I have however pursued alternate hosting methods. The comic is available both for Online viewing (Hosting provided by and for download (Hosting provided by
(Clicking on the above image will take you to the online version
Click here to Download PDF
(You will require Adobe Acrobat to read. Click here to download Reader)

As an added bonus, is providing hosting for an exclusive City of Heroes Issue 10 Video. (That's the 10th expansion to the game that deals with the second Rikti Invasion) Click here to watch.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Announcing a sale

Greetings to all. As many of you are no doubt aware, when you do a hobby for an extended period of time you rake a great deal of material for that hobby. Well miniature gaming is no different. As I am now in need of space and money. To solve both concerns I am going to begin selling off some of my pieces. I will power pictures were needed, and post what I'm asking as a fair price. If you have a question, feel free to contact me.

First up on the list is my Nurgle style terminator:
I'm asking $15 for this ugly little piece of Nurglified filth.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Dark Angles Company Master

When the new Dark Angles Company master came to the shelves, I had to get one. Mostly because it so closely resembled the first Warhammer 40K miniature I ever painted, which was the old Dark Angle Captian. Well, no point in beating around the bush. My paint job is one the left, the GW painted one is on the right. Comments always welcome.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Something a bit different....

This is one of my latest projects nearing it's final stages of completion. It's a lamp, built out of old bottle! Nothing much to it honestly. I did a bit of research into glass cutting and found that a Diamond tipped dremmel bit was the preferred method. So after cutting out a hole in the bottom of the bottle, I dropped a threaded rod through, punched a hole in the bottle cap and screwed the socket and shade fixture, attached a base with a nut and viola, 90% complete. Just need to stain the base and run the wire.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Back in business!

Greetings to all my readers! I offer my apologies for being absent these past months, it has simply been one thing after another after another. But that's all in the past, the present is that I'm back in business!
Some updates from the last several months:
I managed to attend Games Day Baltimore this year (Yeah! No food poisoning this time!) Below is a pic of the Big Gunz D.C. who attended Games Day this year
As you can see, we had a commanding presence this year ranging from our youngest members, who comprise our Young Gunz, up to our president and executive officers. I had a GW associate ask, several weeks later, if we were going to conquer the east coast with our army of members. I assured him, the Big Gunz D.C. don't conquer.

I've also begun working on skills in a few areas other then simple modeling. One of them is experimenting with Photoshop (It's nice being a student because you get the educational versions of multi-hundred dollar programs :) ) Below is one of my attempts at coloring. Of course it's a 40k Image. On the left is the original image I downloaded, and on the right is the colored version.

I must stress, I AM NOT the original artist of this image. I only colored it. Beyond that, feedback always welcome.

Something else I have started to dabble with is comic books. No, not reading them (though I do that as well) but making them. No, I'm not working for Dark Horse or Marvel, yet. But I've started work on a City of Heroes fan created comic series called Invasion. Check out issue 1:

City Of Heroes: Invasion #1
Create your own Comic Books with Comic Book Creator!

That about wraps up my update for today. Rest assured, I will have more in the near future.