Campaign markers

With my Kill Team Campaign on hold for the moment, I have the chance to go back and actually make certain things I had neglected to make for the campaign previously. And those things would be markers and mission speccific material. In the opening missions of my campaign, the kill teams will have the option of recovering relics and material that are emitting engergy spikes consistant with those of Necron materials and technology. Previously, these were to be represented by 25mm bases with a green ring around the sides. But now that I have the time to actually make something, I took a bunch of Necron parts, broke a couple and glued them to bases. Building done. I primed black and then dry brushed Boltgun over them. I used a mix of water and black ink, about 80% water and 20% ink, as a wash over the peices to make them appear dented, damaged and discarded. Once the ink dried, I put down a little PVA glue, sprinkled some basing material and there ya go. Ready made necron relic markers. Now, if you only knew what they meant...
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