Saturday, October 21, 2006

There's codecies, and then there's codecies...

Well, that's a real nice shot in the foot with timing. After delaying my Kill team campaign by three weeks, I am agian forced to delay it for an additional three weeks to accomidate the New Eldar Codex.
See the situation is this: I announced the campaign last week, with a kick off date for this past friday. Everything was going fine until this past thursday. Several people, who had expressed interest in my campaign, asked if they could use the New Eldar codex since the store had a Store Use copy availible. I initally said no for the fact that I had already set down in the rules, that once the campaign had started your kill team could NOT be changed save through in campaign events (people dieing, finding a weapons cache ect.) Well this sparked a fair ammount of resentment about it. On my side, I do not feel it is fair to allow peole ot buildan army out of a codex that won't be in regular circulation for another month, and hence originally chose to not allow it in my campaign.
On the other side, I have people coming at me going "But it's the official codex!", to which I would really like to reply "No, it WILL be the official Codex when it's put into circulation."
So in order to accomidate this little snafu, I am delaying my campaign for three weeks. The new kick off for the campaign will be November 17. If you have any questions about the campaign, please email me at


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