The Relictors march

Well, I'm pretty bad when it comes to spotting loop holes in rules and such. The only way I can really do it, is to have the army on the board and operating. That way I get to see what works and what doesn't.
To accomplish this, I sat down and wrote down an army list usin my cursed trait system for a Relictors space marine chapter. I made all the unit fairly expensive in terms of upgrades that way it's fewer models I have to buy and paint and put on the board.
This ugly fella, is the first of the army. I swapped the normal weapon possitions, of right handed storm bolter and left handed powerfist, to create a more divergent look to the models. Basically, I want the models to say "We are still fighting the bad guys. Just not the way you choose to fight them." The left arm is from a Grey Knight terminator with the GK iconogrphy shaved and cut down. The right hand is from the Chaos commander sprue. In order to make it look like a Chaos marine head, I attached the hair plume to the top of the marine helmet.
The head is in fact two peices. The first, is the back half of a plastic terminator head. I cut off the normal terminator head and then attached the front half of a plastic Chaos head. I shaved dow nthe horns and green stuffed some details in to make it look more like a single peice.
I really like the look of that helmet, very unique. I might steal that idea for a new Chaplain I want to do.
Nice job.
Dear lord! ANOTHER chaplin?!!??!
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