The Inquisition is here!

This devilish little fella is a prototype model for an army idea I have: Ordo Xenos!
For this particular guy, take the idea of the Arco-flaggents, and use it on genestealers instead of human. And presto! Arco-Xenogents! I mean what could be scarrier for a Rouge imperial anything facing down a hord of a ravenous slavering gene stealers and then to realise those Genestealers are under control of the inquisition!!!!
Model wise it's a fairly simple job. I assembled a Genestealer in a pretty standard fashion. The only thing I did was to make the arms hang down to imply the near brain dead appearence of an Arco-flaggent
Beyond the basic construction I needed to "augment" the little alien menace to look less "Feral" and more "dangerous". Taking a cue from the Arco-flaggent models I used green stuff to mold a helmet across the head and eyes of the genestealers. I pressed a triangler "eye-slit" into the green stuff with the bladed edge of my sculpting tool.
After that I cut the fingers of the right fore claw and glued in peices of wire insulation and reattched the claw tips. This created the look of retractable claws just being unsheethed for the slaughter. I cut off the third digit and replaced it with the forward part of a Space Marine scope. Not really sure what it is, it looks good though.
I cut down the spines on the back and glued the cut down heft of an old style power ax to serve as the primarly computer part of the mechanism. I then built up the shoulders with green stuff to provide a platform to mount the rest of the equipment. The rest of the equipment consisted of a pair of Auspex, one with a scope attached to it and the other with a fuel cannister from a canabelised flammer attached to it.
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