Friday, September 15, 2006

Grey Knight Commander

This figure was originally a prototype for my space marine commander. I knew I wanted my commander to have armor on the level of terminator armor, but not be terminator armor. So I gave him artificer armor and an iron halo, 2+ regular 4+ invulnerable save. Thinking I could adapt the Terminator armor from a Grey night model to be this “Other” type of armor, I started by grinding out of the head of a GK Terminator. Since my commander wasn’t going to have a Psychic hood, I cut that off of the model. My intension was to grind out a base large enough to accommodate the half bionic head from the plastic space marine range. I ground out a space for the head, I glued the head into place.
The body had only minimal work done to it. Mostly this involved cutting the cloaks off of two Space marine Commander backs and grafting them to the GK body in a resemblance of robs. I tried to make it look like one was a open robe while the other was basically an over throw that would hang off the shoulders. I used a bit of green stuff to fill in the rest of the material for the rob and cloak. I attached one of the ribbon pieces from the Space marine commander, again to help remove the “Grey Knightliness” of the model. I then glued a space marine backpack with the Iron Halo on to the back.
The real conversion work was in the arms. The right was to hold a master crafted plasma pistol, or rather twin-linked. That innovation was achieved by shaving down the conjoining sides of a pair of plasma pistols. I used a bit of green stuff to fill in the coils section and the sight mount so it made look more like a single weapon and not two glued together. I glued a scope to the now combined scope mounts between the two pistol bodies. To further enhance the “non-standard” look of the plasma pistol, I attached a length of guitar wire running from the pistol grip to back under the commander’s cloak and attaching to the power plant in the back pack.
The Left arm was a fairly simple conversion. I took an arm from a company champion, removed the sword and attached the sword from the Captain Stern model. After I finished the arms. The only thing left to do were the shoulder pads. I wanted them to look different, so I took the shoulder pads, and turned them out foot ball player style and cut off the outer hoods. So now they were basically armored strips that ran over the shoulder.
However, even with all the modification and alteration I threw at the model, the final result was still most definatly Grey Knight. Unable to bring myself to throw the model away I painted it up in the current paint scheme and used him as the lord of my Daemon Hunters for a while before I retired the force.


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