Bitz Box Diving!
Ah the ever favorite past time of Bitz Box diving. It great when you're bored, fantastic when you need to fill a saturday, and outstanding when you need to reduce the number of bitz you have flying around. I also found it's a great chance to expirement and learn new tricks and techniques for modeling.
Here's the first of my expiriments on this particular bitz box dive. A standard marine legs, with an assault marine torso. The sword arm from the Black Templars sprue and a pistol arm from the assault sprue make up the basic body. It also where the basics end. Using green stuff I made a resemblense to mark 4 armor with a pointed respirator nose cone. Attached to the pistol arm is a heavy flamer from the dreadnought sprue. TO make it look a bit more man portable then simply gluing it in place, I built a hand guard with a bit of plasticard.
Instead of a normal shoulder pad o nthe left shoulder, I used a terminator shoulder pad. I tried cutting strips of plasticard to hand out from under the pad it self. On the right shoulder, I used a flat pad and molded a wing-style icon with a bit of green stuff.
On the legs I tried my hand at a few peices of sculpting. On the left knee pad I sculpted a templar-esqu cross. On the right shin, I tried to sculpt a sort of vent on the side. I had some limited success. Well, for a first try it's not too bad I guess.
The Second Marine was a simpler build. I used Chaos marine legs because of the studded armor band on the greeves I took a beaky head and carved down the nose so it was more of a mouth guard then a beak. Out come of that was to create something that bore a resemblence to Optimus Prime. I used a terminator power fist with some plasticard lining around the pad. I used a bit of wire for an antenna on the right side of head.
The third marine was a bit of a Templar inspired peice of work. Using a set of running marine legs, I created the image of a charging maring. I used the Company Champion Torso and bent the tabard a bit to carry on the idea of the charging marine. Coupled with the cloak from the Marine Commander turned out to be blessing as I repositioned a bolter arm to hold the Champion sword at a ready charge angle to give the impression he was charging head long into the enemy lines ready to decapitate the first poor enemy he came across.
Using the shield from the assault marine sprue I was able to compleate the requisite to equip a company champion with a shield.

Instead of a normal shoulder pad o nthe left shoulder, I used a terminator shoulder pad. I tried cutting strips of plasticard to hand out from under the pad it self. On the right shoulder, I used a flat pad and molded a wing-style icon with a bit of green stuff.
On the legs I tried my hand at a few peices of sculpting. On the left knee pad I sculpted a templar-esqu cross. On the right shin, I tried to sculpt a sort of vent on the side. I had some limited success. Well, for a first try it's not too bad I guess.

Using the shield from the assault marine sprue I was able to compleate the requisite to equip a company champion with a shield.
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