Raptor Champion!

This was one the one I wanted to look mean and menacing. And what do loyalist marines, or just about anyone else, hate a lot? Lightning claws! There had been an artical in a recent issue of white dwarf where a modeler had built a Khorne champion in Terminator armor and used the fingers from the Talon of Horus for the lightning claws. They looked sooo supremly wicked! I needed that weapon style for this guy! So after much cutting, shaving, checking, recutting, re-checking, pinning, gluing, and removing the claws from my finger tip (twice!) I finally set the finished claws to the side to dry for a few hours. I went to work on the body.
Agian returning the Assault Marine sprue for legs, I took the last set. Using a few peices of plasticard I put in some plating to differentiate the armor from the typical marine armor. Perhaps it had been reworked by an artificer at some point. I chose the chaos torso with the chainmail tabard (Yes a common theme with chaos champions) but found that to carry the illusion of a vision killing zooming in on his next kill, I need to bend the tabard slightly so that it would bend up as if being thrown back by wind.

I assembled the back pack as a seperate unit, so that I put it to the side and give it time to dry. The only modification I made the wings was to bend then back slightly to give the impression that they were arching down into another powerful flap propelling the dreaded champion forward in his blood lust. Finally I was able to assemble the champion into the dreaded killer that he is!
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