HUZAN ....smash?

The second thing, that was a new experience for me, were the purity seals. Usually I use the prefab plastic and resin ones I have in abundance. This was the first time I tried making my own. They are surprisingly simple to craft. A pin-head sided piece of green stuff, pressed down by the head of a large modeling drill bit and presto, you've got a wax seal. The trips of parchment are nothing more then regular loose leaf paper cut into strips. A little super glue, a little pain after I realized I attached the purity seal to my finger tip, a little more super glue, some zip-kick and pop, the seals are on. The Third thing that was new for me on this model were the power cables running from the backpack to the thunder hammer. I've modeled detail (a little) onto pre-existing pieces before but this was the first time I'd ever tried to build a new piece from green stuff. The procedure is quite simple one you realize it. Roll out the cables separately first. Let them cure for about half an hour or so, just enough so that they won't pick up your finger prints. Then roll the cables up and bundle them together with small pieces of green stuff. A little smoothing and there ya go. You've got some power cables that are ready to work.
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