Everything Old is new agian, agian

This was the second terminator to come out of the efforts of converting the old Terminator models. The first thing I wanted to do was change the angle of the head. No small task given the head is part of the front of the torso. I took one of my smaller drill bits and used it to “cut” out the head. Basically, I drilled several holes under the neck of the helmet and cut until I could remove the head piece. Once the head was removed, I glued the front torso plate to the back. By rotating the head to the right, I could make it look as if the warriors were turning his head to aim at some distant target. I pinned a straight aiming storm bolter arm to appear as if it was what was being aimed along. I then rebuilt the shoulder joint a bit to make it look raised. For the left arm, I wanted to mount a chain fist. But I didn’t have any, so I decided to make one. I really thought the old style Terminator power fist looked rather chunky. So I opted to craft a chain fist out of a spare power fist. I dug up a Chaos Power fist, the one with the pointy fingers, and chopped off the elbow of it. I then attached the blade of a space marine chain sword to the underside of the fist. Presto, one really mean looking chain fist.
In homage to the Terminator’s origin in the game of Space Hulk, I took a deck plate piece from the battle field wreckage sprue and used that as a base for the Termie. I then bent it upward from the front middle slightly and glued a ripper coming out from under the plate. I then sawed part way through the ripper’s jaw and tore it a bit more to make it look like the ripper was about to jump the Termie, but the Termie was too well seasoned to be taken so easily and racked the chain fist through the ripper’s mouth.
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