Kill team continued

Once agian, this model was designed around a fight scene. In this case, the split second where the fight is decided. This marine was about to be jumped by a gaunt, but the marine reacted first and caught the gaunt in mid-leap. Taking advantage of the gaunt's momentary confussion he levled his bolter and shot the gaunt throught he mouth.
I drew some inspiration from real life milatary tech for this though. See, I figure the bolter is similar to modern day grenade launchers, based on how the bolter shells actually work. The shell detonates after it breaks through the enemy's body. Well with current day grenade launchers, the grenade must spine x number of times after leaving the barrel before it will detonate. Figuring the bolter works along the same concept, I figure the shell wouldn't have armed before it busts through the Gaunts' skull. Hence the bullet exiting the back of the gaunts head.
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