Monday, November 27, 2006

Behold, the captain appears...

Who remembers this guy?
He finally got painted as a salamder Captain, but I tried a slightly different paint scheme with him. The normal paint scheme is Snot green and chaos black. While I kept the black I went with a mixed Catachen green and scorpion green giving me a green that's similar to Snot green but desidedly "mukier".

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Wow I'm in the catalog...

Imagine my feelings when I step into the local GW hobby center to pick up a bitz order, ans one of the employees points right at me and says "YOU, Come here!". I'm immediantly thinking "Okay I don't work for the company for they can't fire me. I bring too much money to the store for them to ban me with out like, my stealing something" Well to get to the end, he took me to the bitz ordering station, flipped open the 2006-07 bitz catalog and shows me this:

We all know where that guy came from right? ::here::

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Gaurds men with a storm bolter?

This is once again the result of a random bits box dive. It started as just toying around with with some scrap bolters. Before I had any kind of plans for it, I had built a sort of double barreled bolter with the side feed magazine.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I give you the Relictors!

Links to the individual models:
Terminator 1 // Terminator 2 // Terminator Sergent // Terminator 3 // terminator 4

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Ice it is...

After a day of painting and trying different things, I've settled on a ice/crystal theme for the bases of my terminators.
I started from a black base coat and then put down a layer of Fortress grey. Then I did a layer of Skull White. I kept these layers relatively thick and didn't water them down at all.
Once the white had dried, I went back and dry bushed Ice Blue over the base. This took two seperate layers of dry bushing followed by a single layer of Skull white that was dry bushed on.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Relictor termi!

And now I present the fourth member of my Relictors Terminator Squad.
Only really notable peice-work here is the head. It's a Khorne Berzerker with the Helmet crasts cut off. I think it gives a kinda 'Old-world Knightly' look to the model over all.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Relictors march!

The same night I built that Chaplin, I was working on my Relictor terminators. Here's the next one in line:

I made this guy to look likea bruiser bohemoth as he marches toward someone. You know how in movies that really huge guy, how he walks. His shoulders are practicully swinging a full 180 degrees forward then back and his arms will swing in front of his torso and then swing back behind and the entire scene just a exudes the sheer raw power that guy is about to unleash? That's this guy!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Night lords!

A few months back, I had started work on a Night Lords army. I only built one 8 man squad, but here it is:

I personally think the NIght Lord helmets look rediculous! It's like a Steve King concept for Mickey mouse. So I straight up ignored the helmets. instead, I desided to theme each squad around a concept of torture. This squad was going to dismembering it's prisoners.
For example, this Night Lord on the left just tore the prisoner's face off, while the Night lord on the Right just ripped the guys arms off.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Curse you Ron!!!!

Ron! I curse your very existence!!!! No Not really, I'm just kidding. Although you probably had something to do with this. I was working on my Relictors Termies, and as I finished the next part of the squad I started sticking peices together and ultimatly came up with this Chaplin:

And no, that is not a Storm bolter on the back of his wrist. Well, wait. Actually the part is a storm bolter, but it doesn't count as a storm bolter. Back in the Rouge Trader days of 40k, terminators didn't have frag grenades. Rather you bought Grenade harness for your terminators. The illustrations for the grenade harness looked a lot like a storm bolter. So I'll give my Chaplin frag grenades.

The Cursed Founding Legions

Some of you undoubtedly know of my efforts to craft a cursed founding trait system. Well to further my efforts and open the project up to others who may wish to work on it, I have made a secondary blog to cover my efforts and revelations on the topic of a Cursed Legion Trait System.
==> Cursed Legions

Saturday, November 04, 2006

I shall guide us down the path!

I present to you one of my most involved conversions to date, an Eldar Farseer! Built around the heavily modified body of an Eldar Guardian, the Farseer has been the single largest application of Green stuff I have yet attempted. I learned a lot from reading Ron's post about putting a cloak on his chaplin (::Ron's Chaplin::) and took it to the next level. The streamers use a similar concept to building the cloak. Stripes of paper hardened with superglue.

Friday, November 03, 2006

a Look back at a champion...

I found a spread I made of an old Space Marine Champion I built about a year ago:

To this day, this is still one of my favorite convertions. The pose and peices worked out beutifuly. Additionaly, this was the first model I tried this particular style of shoulder pads with. In this instance I tried Green stuff to trim up the edging. Moderate success I would say.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Campaign markers

With my Kill Team Campaign on hold for the moment, I have the chance to go back and actually make certain things I had neglected to make for the campaign previously. And those things would be markers and mission speccific material. In the opening missions of my campaign, the kill teams will have the option of recovering relics and material that are emitting engergy spikes consistant with those of Necron materials and technology. Previously, these were to be represented by 25mm bases with a green ring around the sides. But now that I have the time to actually make something, I took a bunch of Necron parts, broke a couple and glued them to bases. Building done. I primed black and then dry brushed Boltgun over them. I used a mix of water and black ink, about 80% water and 20% ink, as a wash over the peices to make them appear dented, damaged and discarded. Once the ink dried, I put down a little PVA glue, sprinkled some basing material and there ya go. Ready made necron relic markers. Now, if you only knew what they meant...

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I rise and return to war...

They are coming, the new eldar! I snagged the army box deal last week when it came out. I will tell you right now, the Wraith lord is soooooooooo worth the price it's gonna have! This is to the Eldar line what the space marine commander box set is to the space marines. Inifinint! with a full 11 different (Yes that says 11!!!) weapon options right out of the box (not counting twin-linking, which you can do in the new codex!!) 2 totally different sets of arms, and a vairety of other peices, you will have trouble deciding what to give this beastie!

Also, as a preview of future posts:

What do you think this is (By all means, post and tell me what you think it is) ?