Friday, October 27, 2006

Getting back to Basics, er bases

Taking a cue from Ron, I've started working on the bases for my Relictors. The creation for these bases is fairly simple. I poured plaster in the top from the bucket of plaster and let it dry. This created a disk of plaster. I made it about 1/8" thick but I'm expiramenting this thicker and thinnder bases. Anyway, once I had the disk of plaster, I broke it into chucks, and then glued the chunks to the base. I'm not sure weather I'll do a lava motif or like a ice/crystal design yet.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

my next project...

Hmm, a pile of necron warriors. A box of Eldar Assault guardians. and a Eldar farseer. these are the components I bought yesterday to facilitate my newest project. But what in the world has my diseased and twisted little mind come with now?

Saturday, October 21, 2006

There's codecies, and then there's codecies...

Well, that's a real nice shot in the foot with timing. After delaying my Kill team campaign by three weeks, I am agian forced to delay it for an additional three weeks to accomidate the New Eldar Codex.
See the situation is this: I announced the campaign last week, with a kick off date for this past friday. Everything was going fine until this past thursday. Several people, who had expressed interest in my campaign, asked if they could use the New Eldar codex since the store had a Store Use copy availible. I initally said no for the fact that I had already set down in the rules, that once the campaign had started your kill team could NOT be changed save through in campaign events (people dieing, finding a weapons cache ect.) Well this sparked a fair ammount of resentment about it. On my side, I do not feel it is fair to allow peole ot buildan army out of a codex that won't be in regular circulation for another month, and hence originally chose to not allow it in my campaign.
On the other side, I have people coming at me going "But it's the official codex!", to which I would really like to reply "No, it WILL be the official Codex when it's put into circulation."
So in order to accomidate this little snafu, I am delaying my campaign for three weeks. The new kick off for the campaign will be November 17. If you have any questions about the campaign, please email me at

A misty eyed look...

So I was flipping through some of my stored pics and I ran across some of my old Eldar conversions. Ironic considering the new Eldar Codex is out in a week would you say? I know the picture quality is a bit questionable. That's what you get when you use a camera from before the Mega-pixel days. So enjoy some of my earliest works:

On a side note, I will be at the Mills store today to give anyone who couldn't make it last night, a chance at the kick off for my RihaVan III kill team Campaign. I will be there starting about 3 pm.

Friday, October 20, 2006

RihaVan III: Prepare for landing

Today is the day my Kill Team campaign starts. What is happening on this world? Who is behind it? Who will survive? who will be victorious? Who will be a hero? Who will become a villian? Is it time we find out...

Foot note: If you are particapting in my campaign, please be sure to sign up for the mailing list by sending an email to:

Thursday, October 19, 2006

I Banish thee!

The next in line of my Relictors force. I built this bruiser with an eye toward forward movement stances. Once agian, I switched which side's arms had what weapon on them. IE storm bolters on the left arm and power fist on the right.
This guy was fairly basic build. Walking Termi legs. standard torso. Yelling head. From there, I shaved down the iconography from the shoulder of a Grey Knight termie's arm and then removed the clawed power fist from the Classic CHaos marine standard bearer. The parts were assembled to their respective possitions.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Relictors march

A while back, I started tinkering around with a Cursed chapter trait system. Basically like the Chapter trait system found in Codex: Space marine, but designed to represent the "Darker" Chapters of marines. Weather the Legion of the damned who have come across fantastic magical powers yet appear to be ever dead, or the Lamentars who just never seem to get a break.
Well, I'm pretty bad when it comes to spotting loop holes in rules and such. The only way I can really do it, is to have the army on the board and operating. That way I get to see what works and what doesn't.
To accomplish this, I sat down and wrote down an army list usin my cursed trait system for a Relictors space marine chapter. I made all the unit fairly expensive in terms of upgrades that way it's fewer models I have to buy and paint and put on the board.
This ugly fella, is the first of the army. I swapped the normal weapon possitions, of right handed storm bolter and left handed powerfist, to create a more divergent look to the models. Basically, I want the models to say "We are still fighting the bad guys. Just not the way you choose to fight them." The left arm is from a Grey Knight terminator with the GK iconogrphy shaved and cut down. The right hand is from the Chaos commander sprue. In order to make it look like a Chaos marine head, I attached the hair plume to the top of the marine helmet.
The head is in fact two peices. The first, is the back half of a plastic terminator head. I cut off the normal terminator head and then attached the front half of a plastic Chaos head. I shaved dow nthe horns and green stuffed some details in to make it look more like a single peice.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Templars cometh....

RRSR: RECENT RESOURCE STATUS REPORTFailure to file Resource reports by RihaVanIII has resulted in recent request by Imperial Sector Commander for assistance.No further information available at this time.
++ Templar Expeditionary Crusade enroute ++
Commander: Castellan Casteil

"May the Emperor illuminate our path."

The ever zealous and rightnous Knights of the Black Templar Chapter of space marines have answered the call of the Imperial sector. The Templars have dispatched Castellan Casteil to investigate and, if needed, deal the emporer's justice to whatever has befallen the once calm planet of RihaVan III.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Welcome to RihaVan IIII...

Welcome to RihaVan III, a tiny little back water world with less to offer the universe then even a sutable name. Up until a few days ago, this world was nothing but a foot note in the astrology charts, too far from the shipping lanes to be used for transfers, and likewise free from the scourge of piracy. Too far from the advance of the Tyranids fleets to be conserned with their advances for several more generations. It has suffered only minor raids from Orks. That all changed recently. And we don't know why...

This is the setting for a kill team campaign I will be running and administering starting Friday. If you happen to be in the Northern Virginia area, and know where Potomac Mills is, feel free to particapate. Please register by sending an email to: This will ensure you recieve any information that pertains to your kill team. If you are interested but would like additional info, check out the Big Gunz D.C. message board for it. Click here => Big Gunz DC: Kill Team Campaign

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Dawn of War: Dark Crusade

Well kids, it came out yesterday. I grabbed the last copy my local EB had and made a mad dash home. Before I had even loaded the game I was trading mentions of gender inaccuracies and prepubecient acts with a couple members of myt gaming group. We quickly agreed to a three way show down between myself and two other members of the group. Due to time constraints we did a Take and Hold game as they're typically shortest. So it was Blood Ravens Vs. Tau Vs. Necrons. A majority of the game was my Tau Stealth teams sneaking about the board capturing recourse nodes. Those guys are great for capturing point!!!! Then later, at the climax of the game, I disovered how nastey a group of 40 of them are with upgraded fusion blasters. Who likes their Terminators well done? It was too late for me to go back into the replay and capture some screen shots of the Tau absolutly wreaking the Marines, but rest assured I'll go back and get them.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

The Inquisition is here!

Well, okay not quite "THE" Inquisition, and not really a section of the inquisition that has a Codex, but one that exsits none the less.
This devilish little fella is a prototype model for an army idea I have: Ordo Xenos!
For this particular guy, take the idea of the Arco-flaggents, and use it on genestealers instead of human. And presto! Arco-Xenogents! I mean what could be scarrier for a Rouge imperial anything facing down a hord of a ravenous slavering gene stealers and then to realise those Genestealers are under control of the inquisition!!!!

Model wise it's a fairly simple job. I assembled a Genestealer in a pretty standard fashion. The only thing I did was to make the arms hang down to imply the near brain dead appearence of an Arco-flaggent
Beyond the basic construction I needed to "augment" the little alien menace to look less "Feral" and more "dangerous". Taking a cue from the Arco-flaggent models I used green stuff to mold a helmet across the head and eyes of the genestealers. I pressed a triangler "eye-slit" into the green stuff with the bladed edge of my sculpting tool.
After that I cut the fingers of the right fore claw and glued in peices of wire insulation and reattched the claw tips. This created the look of retractable claws just being unsheethed for the slaughter. I cut off the third digit and replaced it with the forward part of a Space Marine scope. Not really sure what it is, it looks good though.
I cut down the spines on the back and glued the cut down heft of an old style power ax to serve as the primarly computer part of the mechanism. I then built up the shoulders with green stuff to provide a platform to mount the rest of the equipment. The rest of the equipment consisted of a pair of Auspex, one with a scope attached to it and the other with a fuel cannister from a canabelised flammer attached to it.