Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Space Hulk, Death Wing style

This was a peice I had some planning behind it. I recently fell in love with the Captian Lysander model and started thinking about what I could do with it. And I stumbled up the idea of doing a Death Wing termi in a space hulk scenario. For those of you old enough to remember space hulk, you'll remember that the primary enemy Terminators faced in it were Genestealers. Hence the recently de-limbed genie lieing on the deck plate.
The two most difficult parts of this model were the chest and the right knee. Both were originally modeled with the Imperial Fist icon on them, so that had to go. Enter a dremal! Once I ground off the Imperial fists iconography I attached a shield from the Terminator sprue to the chest and shield emblem to the leg. The rest is pretty straight forward.
A few things I over looked when I originally built the model, and plan to correct when I redo this peice:
1) Mold lines. I was so dead set on the chest and legs, I totally ignored the mold lines. ::Slaps hand::
2) The chest shield: initially I was pleased with how the plastic shield sat on the model, but upon closer inspection it does appear to actually be a totally seperate peice and doesn't really look like it belongs there. I should have shaved down the back of the shield a bit more.
3) The leg/groin area. This one totally got over looked until the model was built, but the peice I attached to the leg is of similar shape and design to the groin gaurd of the model. Not 100% sure how I'll fix that next time. I might grind down the groin gaurd and putty in a tabard or robe of some sort. Death Wing are Dark Angles after all.


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